The Council initiates and accelerates the implementation of Cedar Bataillons projects


Joint Parliamentary Committees will hold a second session next Thursday to follow the study of a number of bills in a context of controversy over the possibility of legislation under an interim government [19659002]. The fundamental constitutional rule upon which the House of Representatives rests in our parliamentary democratic system is that "the Council is its own master" and therefore nothing prevents it from carrying out its legislative work, except in cases where the Legislative initiative belongs to the government. The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nabih Berri, told the "Middle East" that "Article 69 of the Constitution, make the House of Representatives in a special session immediately after the entry of the government phase of the conduct of business, and thus the council of the master himself and the legislative work is not limited to the formation of a government ". The sources pointed out that Berri "insisted on the election of the committees last week, to complete the legislative kitchen of the House of Representatives", noting that "there are about 13 bills of law". 39, a great importance for the conference ". Cedar "and the World Bank and some international agreements dedicated to supporting Lebanon, and Berri called the committees Pursue its study, be voted on and approved by laws as soon as it will be submitted to the General Assembly."


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