The decisions of the African summit are a gain for Morocco and a setback for Polisario and Algeria


The South African judiciary in 2017 has already accepted a complaint filed by the Frente POLISARIO concerning the seizure of the vessel carrying Moroccan phosphate destined for New Zealand

The spokesman of the Moroccan government stated that " opponents of the kingdom exploited the absence of Morocco from the African Union to promote their biased proposals against it. "

At the end of January 2017, the African Union State Heads of State have agreed to restore Morocco to the regional organization after his departure in 1984, 33 years ago, Polisario demanding Banff

King Mohammed VI of Morocco conducted a quiet diplomacy that allowed the Kingdom to return to the Union and expand Morocco's economic opportunities in the depths of Africa and announced the security, the economy and politics of Morocco

The restoration of the accession of Morocco to the Union has also thwarted the campaign of misinformation and lies promoted by the Polisario and its allies.

In the back, "what comes out of the top provides evidence (In reference to Morocco's decision to return to the African Union) and engage in the battle to defend the national cause ( the question of the Moroccan Sahara). "

The conflict began around the territory of the Moroccan Sahara in 1975, after the end of the Spanish occupation and its presence in the region, the conflict between Morocco and the Polisario it turned into an armed conflict that lasted until 1991. The Kingdom of Morocco adhered to its right in the desert region. Self-extension Under his sovereignty, while the Polisario calls for the organization of a referendum of self-determination, a proposal supported by Algeria, incubator and supporting the money and arms of the separatist front.

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