The decline of sunspots suggests the rise of cosmic rays


Astronomers have reported that something strange happens in the sun, entering a period called "lower cycle", in which sunspots decrease and increase the proportion of cosmic radiation.

The agency explained that the reduction of these spots means double brightness, as well as the decline of the sun's magnetic field, during the regular solar cycle, which takes 11 years "We are going through a very strange solar cycle and continue to show signs of worse . "

But a number of scientists claim that the Earth will not do it, "says Nathan Schwadron, a professor of space physics at the University of New Hampshire, who is very affected by the decline in spots, and says that Effect will extend to extraterrestrial astronauts

Research has suggested that exposure to cosmic (extraterrestrial) radiation can make its owner susceptible to heart disease and cancer.

Radiation is expected to increase About 30% compared to normal.

But scientists have suggested that it could enter the Earth in a small ice age.

These signals come when governments and private companies like Blue Orgen and Spacex seek the ambition to move humans to the Moon or beyond in future periods.

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