The departure of the difficult roles of the heroine Mai Skaf


About 49 years ago, Syrian actress Mai Skaf pbaded away. Syrian artists close to the late Scaff (born in Damascus in 1969) spoke of a heart attack that led to his death in the French capital.

Technical Balance

The difficult role played by Mai Skaff, as described by the critics, The last century, characterized by her serious, always sparkling roles in all the dramatic works, playful and even cultural, she holds a license in French literature from the University of Damascus, and was a writer and translator and announcer at Radio Damascus "French Section 1989". Theatrical and cinematographic works in the magazines "Life of Cinema" and "The play", which is published by the Ministry of Culture in Syria, and university students participated in theatrical performances at the French Cultural Center, a member of the theater theater amateur / French Cultural Center in 1987/1990,

Selection of Critics

The late actress is making a very important place: the director Maher Kaddou, who chose him for his film "Sahil Al -Ghaa ", draws attention to this film in 1991, Abdel Latif Abdel Hamid, who chose for the film" The Rise of the Rain "and directed by Nabil al-Maleh (1996), the latter won a huge public success in the role of "Tema", and has been dubbed critics and directors of heroines difficult roles, although it has always been linked to the work of art, the most important series And the character of Hind Bint Atab, the husband Abu Sufyan in the series "Omar" 2012 directed by Hatem Ali, it is worth noting that his last work, the short film "Mirage" in 2017, and was filmed entirely in the French capital Paris

The late Mai Skaf was active in the Syrian opposition. Since its inception, he has played an active role in many cultural and cultural contributions related to the film and television industry, reflected in the Teatro project, founded in 2004, and even children, who love the 39, art and representation of all kinds, theater, theater and cinema, to create an artistic cultural atmosphere with potential for self-creation, to create jobs that meet the aspirations of young people and have contributed to the theatrical performances of Teatro, "Syrian Film Industry".

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