The end of the world's allegations precede the vision of the "bloody moon" tonight


Hessbris – Monitoring

Friday, July 27, 2018 – 15:50

The Dam Moon is seen in the sky tonight in most parts of the world as the moon moves towards the longest lunar eclipse Earth in the 21st century.

And all over the world, from the Taj Mahal to the Eiffel Tower, the largest and most famous spaceship in the world, People will raise their faces to the sky in search of a bloody moon that pops up orange, brown or purple because the sun penetrates the atmosphere

In Morocco, the eclipse will begin in the Moroccan capital at 20 hours and 26 minutes and will culminate at 21 hours, in Europe, Russia, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Australia,

"We ran out of tickets for the event, we have about 200 people booked to come and see him with us," said Andrew Jacob, the secretary of the Observatory near Sydney Harbor Bridge

End of the World

] As the world prepares to follow this astronomical event and prepares astronomers and amateur astronomers Global Media and planetary observers are preparing for keep up the pace, spreading scary words: warning a Lebanese sheikh on Lebanese communication sites and "global catastrophe that the world will see through global calamity".

As the "Lebanese sheikh", the "Lebanese sheikh" In the video, American evangelical priests, including preacher John Hagi, related to what is called the Quadruple of Blood, in 2014 and 2015, based on specific verses from the Bible

The Quartet is over and nothing has been accomplished by Hagi and his colleagues.

As the "Lebanese Sheikh", the American priest Paul Bigley warned that he believed that the "blood moon" of July 27 was a sign of the end times.

He said in a video on "YouTube:" We are in the era of the end of the world. This bloody moon, which will be the longest of this century, takes place in the 70th year of the state of Israel. In the seventieth year Jerusalem was proclaimed the eternal city of God, and also at the moment when the volcano of Hawaii launched its lava. "

Unprecedented Astronomical Phenomenon

Andrew Fabian," It is called the bloody moon because the sun's rays enter the Earth's atmosphere towards the moon and that the atmosphere of the Earth turns red as the sun's disc is painted red at sunset. "

More than in 2003, so some observers can see what appears to be a star between the red and the wild "It's a very unusual coincidence that a complete lunar eclipse occurs while Mars is on the opposite side during the night itself," said Robert Mbadey, deputy general manager from the Royal Society of Astronomers.

In turn, Sven Melchert, president of the German Association of Amateur Astronomers, told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa: "It is an unprecedented phenomenon for people who live today ui. "

Since For thousands of years, man has been looking in the sky for good or bad luck, but astronomers have said that there was Meme it no reason to worry The following lunar eclipse should occur for the same period in 2123.

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