The English striker Freddie could miss Sweden

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Said Varde was unlikely to play against Sweden after his absence from the race on Thursday.

Sky Sports quoted Southgate as saying: "Vardi has not been trained so he may miss this match. But we will learn everything on Friday. The players have been trained normally. "

" I think right now it's better not to train for long periods of time, because it's related to physical and mental recovery, like everything else. "We will not be able to put pressure on players to see if everything is fine."

Southgate was happy with the return of midfielder Dili Alley, who played for Colombia after his absence against Panama and Belgium in Group G

He explained: "Dili was in great shape after the match and felt nothing, I think a few more days will help him a lot, his early game was early and he was likely to feel something, but he was fit. "[19659001Back-leftAshleyYanganddefenderKyleWalkerarealsoingoodshapeafterbeingeliminatedfrommusclecrampssaidSouthgate"There'snoconcernaboutYangWalkerTheywentbacktotheexercisesItmaybeback"Whenyouplayandstretchagameforalongtimeyoudonotknowhowthingswillgountilyoucomebacktonormaltrainingandfindoutexactlywhattheproblemis"

"But we think that they have no problems." We will have a case of two or three players and will see if there is a problem with them and again we will have the good bench. "


Southgate noted that Vardi should not play Sweden after his absence on Thursday.

South Sports Sports Sky quoted Southgate saying, "Vardi has not trained, so maybe he'll miss this game, but we'll learn everything on Friday, players are naturally trained. "

"I think right now It is better not to train for long periods because it is related to recovery and physical and mental as well as anything else.

Southgate was happy with the return midfielder Dili Alley who played for Colombia after his absence against Panama and Belgium in Group G because of a groin problem.

He explained: "Dili was in very good shape after the match and felt nothing … I think a few more days will help him a lot, his participation in the last match was early and he was likely to feel something but he is fit. "

Kyle Walker is also healthy after leaving Colombia for muscle cramps, which he points out Southgate said:" There's no worries about from Yang Walker, they went back to the exercises, maybe it's back. " and you play and stretch for a long time, you do not know how things will go until you come back to normal training and will not discover exactly the problem. "

" But we think that They do not have any problems. We will evaluate the case of two or three players and see if there is a problem with them and once again we have good benchmarks. "

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