The fight against torture in Lebanon has become one of the most important obligations concerning prisons


The President of the Association of Justice and Mercy, Father Najib Baqlini, stressed that the fight against torture in Lebanon has become one of the most important obligations related to prisons after the signing of the Geneva Convention by the Lebanese State.
(19659003) "This is what the Assembly does in prisons, interrogation centers and the role of the police in prisons, Justice and the situation have improved a lot and started to reduce the cases of torture of detainees and prisoners.If prisoners or investigators tortured and complained to the victims and proved the sensory evidence, is to exempt the perpetrators and transfer them to other duties. "

"This is not just physical and psychological violence, but also violence resulting from the detention of people in unhygienic, dark, airless places," he said. Is eager to work proactively, in terms of training the security team working in prisons on how to treat detainees and prisoners, and the need to respect the rights guaranteed by law and law. commitment to human rights. "There is censorship and commitment to the Geneva Convention and there is popular and social pressure."

The father noted that "the badociation is eager to follow the prisoners who have been traumatized by the physical and psychological torture.It uses services provided by a psychiatrist and weekly sessions in the prison up to That the state of the prisoner improves, with reference to a job to help him cope.And the presence of members of the badociation among prison inmates feel that they are not alone and help them to contact their family, which opens them to the horizon despite the difficult circumstances. "The conditions of the guardian and the prisoner deteriorate. So, the l & # 39; importance of raising awareness about human rights and respect for others.There is an integrated course to reach the minimum. "

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