The first appearance of Miriam Fares after an operation


The first appearance of Miriam Fares after undergoing surgery .. Watch the Kingdom of the news, quoting Giuloli we are releasing the first appearance of Miriam Fares after undergoing surgery .. Witness, the first appearance of Miriam Fares after surgery.

The Kingdom of News [IN HEBREW]

Lebanese singer Miriam Fares, who followed her profile on the Instagram site, gave her a modern look. While preparing to travel with the family. Myriam Fares, who appeared with tense strokes, commented on the photo saying, "That's all I need." It's her first appearance after being operated on after a seizure who canceled his charity concert at the Casino du Liban. 27 Yueno last.

The operation forced her to miss her concerts and cancel the contracts she had spent for six weeks.

Despite the statement issued by Miriam Fares about her condition, she did not disclose the cause of her condition, which caused many questions and concerns of her audience.

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(19659004) Source: Gololi