The former Prime Minister of Malaysia defends the charges of "treason of trust"


The former Malaysian prime minister pleads not guilty to "treasonous trust" charges

Bailed and the court banned him from traveling to appear in February

Thursday – 21 Shawwal 1439 – 05 July 2018 No. [

President The former Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razzaq arrived in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday,

A Malaysian court on Wednesday accused former Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razzaq of investigating allegations of widespread corruption and embezzlement from a state-owned fund. ;he founded. Najib denied all accusations of "betrayal of trust" and abuse of power. A Agence France-Presse reporter reported that Najib had appeared in a court in the capital Kuala Lumpur, where the prosecutor had asked for the case to be remitted to the Supreme Court because of the seriousness of the charges. . The court charged Najib with four counts, three of which concerned the mistreatment of the secretariat and the fourth concerned the acceptance of a bribe of RON 42 million (10). $ 4 million). After Najib spent last night in detention, he arrived yesterday in a court in the capital Kuala Lumpur, dressed in a dark blue suit and a red tie. Representatives of the media and others gathered to watch the former prime minister while some of his party members chanted slogans and waved banners to support him
Najib, who served as prime minister. Minister of the country from 2009 to 2018 Fund of the sovereign state, including nearly $ 700 million transferred to his personal bank account. The 64-year-old man was arrested Tuesday at his home in the Malaysian capital.
Attorney General Tommy Thomas said: "I used your position as a public servant when I was prime minister and Minister of Finance." The prosecutor was waiting to receive further reports. Malaysian anti-corruption committee investigating the irregularities of the fund. "It's clear from the first documents that arrived at my office three weeks ago," he told reporters outside. When he was in power, Naguib monopolized everything that affected the fund, managed to close the investigation of the scandal, excluded criticism from the government, silenced the media and arrested people who spoke of the scandal, [Reuters]
Najib denies any wrongdoing since the scandal broke out.CRC was the first target of Malaysian investigators, because all the suspicious financial transactions involving the company were carried out by the intermediary Malaysian entities, unlike other sovereign fund transactions carried out by banks or foreign companies. "I am confident of my innocence and I believe in my innocence, and it is the best opportunity to absolve me." "If it's the price I have to pay after 42 years serving the people and the country … I'm ready." On February 18, the court sets a date for the start of his trial.
In a recorded letter that Najib posted on Twitter after his arrest, he said: "All charges against me and my family are not true … A chance to defend myself." Najib was on bail for One million ringgit ($ 247,000) with his pbadport
surrendered The judge set February 18, 2019 as the preliminary date for the commencement of the trial.
The United States Department of Justice reported that more than $ 4.5 billion of the fund had been diverted from the fund.Najib founded the 1MDB in 2009 and is under investigation in at least six countries suspected of money laundering and
Najib was arrested at home Tuesday, less than two months after an unexpected defeat Led by Mahathir Mohammed, a Najib teacher turned to his opponent. Anti-corruption agency have resumed investigations into billions of embezzlement since his flight from power.
Mahathir said in an interview with Reuters last month that embezzlement and bribery were on the agenda. He said Malaysia had a "quasi-judicial trial" against him. Some of Najib's sons were present in court. A spokesman for Naguib said yesterday that the allegations about the CBC and the investigations into the MDDB fund were "politically motivated" and that Najib would challenge the charges and bring his case to court. Najib's supporters gathered outside the court and chanted slogans upon his arrival at the courthouse.
In a statement released Tuesday, Najib spokesman said the charges against the former prime minister were "the result of political revenge". Mohammed. And Naji, during a shocking defeat at the elections of Mahathir Mohammed in the May 9 elections.
Tian Shua, vice president of the People's Justice Party (Kidilan Rakiat), forming the new coalition after the parliamentary elections, is the first (former) prime minister to be formally accused in the history of the Malaysia ". "This marks the beginning of a new era where no one will be exempted from lawsuits if it exploits authority."
Among the items confiscated during raids on Najib's homes, there is a collection of 12,000 jewels, including 1,400 contracts and 2,200 rings. The most expensive piece, a contract, is worth 6.4 million ringgit (1.3 million euros). Among the seized items, 423 hours were valued at 78 million ringgit (17 million euros) and 234 glbades
The investigators estimated the value of 234 million euros confiscated. It includes 26 foreign currencies worth 116 million ringgit (24 million euros) in cash and hundreds of luxury ladies bags. And Najib's wife, Rosma Mansour was not popular, especially because of the extra money, especially for the purchase of handbags and expensive clothes.


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