The government before Army Day falls otherwise in regional developments blown – alankabout spider – Lebanon News – Australia News


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Author: The Electronic Spider

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President Michel Aoun in the future president of the Higher Council of French Notaries Didier Coiffar with a delegation of the Council of Justice in Lebanon, led by Joseph Bishara, 19659010] Conflicting lines complicate the formation of the Lebanese government, including internal and external, and the direct result is political stability that is subject to vibration, and economic and financial conditions, which increase insurances repeated and repeated in public panic. Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri is optimistic about the future, he added before leaving for Madrid, adding that the constitution is not limited in time and that the economic and financial climate the country does not tolerate any conflict. To be composed at the end of the question, why are we going to a convulsive speech that does not benefit anyone?

He stressed that he will not disagree with President Michel Aoun, stressing his commitment to the policy of distancing and respect of the Taif Accord.

Hariri met his Spanish counterpart, Padros Cavtion, then led the graduation ceremony of my students, gave a speech on this occasion and then moved to London to attend the meeting. of the diploma of his son Hussamuddin in a British military college.

to return to Beirut on Tuesday, as Foreign Minister Gibran Basil leaves the same day for the United States on a weeklong visit, during which he will participate in a conference on freedom of religion

This means that there is no government before the end of this month, which lasted ten days, because of the influential role of Minister Bbadil in the game of government, which means an extension in the balancing process. August 1, where the annual celebration of the day of the army, sponsored by the President of the Republic in the presence of the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Prime Minister, who prefer to be a factor and not a bank for business . The sources added that President Aoun spoke of the formation of the government in a week, because if "the warming of the government" continues after the end of the month, he does not know where the regional developments and the economic and security benefits of Lebanon. The sources pointed out that Minister Bbadil's trip could be a facilitating factor, not an obstacle to the formation of the government, in the light of what was reported to Prime Minister Hariri during their quick meeting in the House of Representatives. That is, Basil, so he did not go meet him at the "middle house".

Bbadel's recent statement on the government's formation date has raised dissatisfaction with Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea, who warned against the constitution, which sets a deadline for the formation of governments, and that President Michel Aoun intervenes. Bbadil's words to Hariri reflect a presidential response to Geagea's wishes, especially after the Sunni rulers defended the powers of the Prime Minister and the Taif constitution, such as Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdullatif Durian, former presidents Najib Miqati, Fuad Siniora and the Maronite Patriarch Bishara Al-Ra & # 39; i. 19659011]

As part of the general Sunni atmosphere, the constitutional powers of the Prime Minister, whether in the formation of government or the time of open training, or the tendency to form a majority government in the Opposition, were also rejected. Outside the government, which would leave Prime Minister Hariri alone besieged by hawks of the opposition to the phenomenon of solutions in Syria.

Later, on the list of Sunni rejections, he will seek to accelerate the cultivation of medicinal plants in Lebanon for medicinal purposes before addressing the question of the hundreds of young Muslims arrested in case of confrontation with the army or contact with terrorist organizations. , A window to pbad an implicit amnesty for 40,000 drug cases sought in the Hermel Baalbek, instead of the door of general amnesty, which is supposed to cover all categories and crimes other than those affecting state security and law and order.

In the governmental context, the Minister of Justice Salim Griissati defended Minister Gebran Bbadil saying to the objectors: Your problem with Gibran is that he has entered the national and Christian consciousness.

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