The government will not train unless Basil gives in to reality


A member of the bloc of the "strong republic" MP Imad Wakim felt that the negotiations on the formation of the government did not progress superficially and some optimists saw positive lines, but in reality it was only 39, a mirage that quickly dissipated and the owners of the contract.

In an interview with Kuwait Al-Siybada, he said:" We will not be able to do this, That the aim of the encirclement of the Lebanese Forces Party is not to recognize the results of the parliamentary elections, and that is why the government will not be constituted if the Minister Gebran Bbadil does not accept the reality, especially more than one political party is disrupted. He asked the President of the Republic to take the initiative to put pressure on Bbadil to facilitate the task of the President-designate who has already provided the President with acceptable scenarios to get out of the crisis. As he is entitled to 5 ministers, as opposed to 8 "current" ministers and the minister of "Al-Marada" and another of the "Brigades", excluding the formation of the government in the foreseeable future, because things become more like fingers. The government and Hariri will not give up his powers and will not allow a third of the disabled to encircle him and take the country into a guy
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