The Hayate Health Deterioration Bell


There have been reports during the last period of the injury of the Egyptian actress Hayatem able to cancer, which made her enter the hospital.

<img clbad = "size-large wp-image-638662" src = " هياتم -630 x354.jpg" alt = "Hayat" width = "630" height = "354" srcset = " wp-content / uploads / 2018/07 / Hayatem -630 x354.jpg 630w, uploads / 2018/07 / Hayatem-145 x82.jpg 145w, 2018/07 / Hayatem-300 x169.jpg 300w, content / uploads / 2018/07 / Hayatem-768 x432.jpg 768w,
The Egyptian actress Hayatem

In details, the sources confirmed that Hayat has lost some weight in the form of a piece of paper, Marked after being infected with this malignant disease, and when she knew that this thing has entered a state of depression

In turn, Hayatem has not responded to this news, which still hesitates on the artistic sites, making unfounded rumors until their confirmation. 9659005] Nora Mohammed – Cairo

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