The history of white helmets stranded on the borders of Jordan in detail


The history of white helmets stranded on the borders of Jordan in detail The Cavalry Network quoting BBC News We publish in detail the history of white helmets stranded on the borders of Jordan, l & # 39; history of white helmets stranded on the borders of Jordan.

Al-Fursan Network Al-Fursan Network: Hundreds of members of the "White Helmets", the civil defense forces in areas of opposition factions, are still stranded in southern Syria, he said. Two of them said Monday at the Agence France Presse The White Helmets announced in a statement on Monday that the evacuation of their members was the "only option" to avoid "the risk of". arrest or death "by the Syrian regime and its Russian allies, while Damascus condemned" the arrival of 422 members of the "White Helmets" and their families in Jordan on Sunday after the transfer of Israel from southern Syria, to be received later in Great Britain, Germany and Canada as well as in France

., An informant in the group ranks in the city of Daraa, anxious to come to the aid south of Syria 3] He told AFP that some 400 people are still in the city of Daraa and its eastern and western suburbs, on the border with Jordan and the province of Quneitra, near the heights of the Golan.

Syrian regime forces are about to control the provinces of Daraa and Quneitra following the military decision or settlement agreements signed by Russia, following a large-scale attack launched by Damascus in the city of Deraa. June 19

Caesar expressed his fear of his fate and his comrades stranded in southern Syria, saying that "the departure of a section of the civil defense and the survival of another section here hurt more than we have benefited. "

"We fear the reaction of the regime and Russia."

Damascus condemned Monday the evacuation of Israel The Syrian regime and its supporters accuse the White Helmets of being a "tool" in the hands of international donors who have supported them for years and years. to be included in the ranks of jihadists.

For its part, the Russian Foreign Ministry said: Escape from Syria to reveal its true nature and show its hypocrisy to the whole world. "

" How did they remove them and not be able to pull us off? Imad, a 20-year-old doctor at Jabbata village in Quneitra, said, "We are 18 members of the center, we are surrounded by the regime of three sides and Israel of the fourth."

He explained that "A meeting to discuss our situation in Jordan and the response we were told to go to northern Syria." However, Imad pointed out that "there is no room for us to go to Syria." there is no way to get to the buses that will take us further north, "saying," We burned paper for the Syrian regime and we will not find any pardon.

In a statement issued on Monday, White Helmets said that he was a generation And reports that "more than three thousand" of his elements are still in Syria.

The head of the organization Raed al-Saleh told AFP that the evacuation was "complex" and that some items were not evacuated because they were not on the lists, Great "elements of access to the point of evacuation. He noted that no other evacuation was planned.

White Helmets asked the international community to help its remaining members stranded in southern Syria. "In the absence of the necessary protection for all, we thank all the governments that contributed to the success of this rescue operation and ask them to do more to help" the remaining elements in the south of the country. Syria.

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Source: BBC News