The impact of objects on the ground increases


There is a scientific belief that the number of rocky bodies hitting the ground is lower than in the past, but a recent study published yesterday in the journal "Science" has proved the opposite: it has been found that the number Asteroids (a rocky stone can be very small) was over the past two hundred and ninety million years, twice as many as seven hundred million years ago.

This is probably due to the large space events in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. "These events have created a torrent of space-related space rocks, which will reach their peak and then retreat," said Tom Gronon, one of the authors of the study.

The researchers do not study any connection between the rise of these rocks and the major events that have touched the Earth, such as the asteroid crash that caused the mbadive disappearance of living species 252 million years ago, under the effect of a large object and not small rocks.

To calculate the frequency of the accident, scientists counted the number of craters and their age on the moon, which is exposed to what the Earth is exposed to.

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