Last year, Europe recorded a record number of measles cases, announced Monday the World Health Organization (WHO).
Partly because of the growing number of homes where parents refuse to vaccinate their children. According to the statistics of the organization, in the European region of 900 million people last year, 82,600 people in 47 countries were infected with measles, the highest number of this decade. According to the organization, 72 of the wounded were deported.
"Progress in the immunization process has been uneven across countries and in one country, leaving more and more vulnerable vulnerable people unprotected, resulting in a record number of people infected with HIV by 2018," he said. she declared.
Measles is a highly contagious febrile illness that can lead to hearing loss and brain damage in children and can lead to death in severe cases. Immunization campaigns should cover about 95% of the population to prevent the spread of the virus.
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