The initiative to legislate the cultivation of cannabis walks on the way to the Battalions


Well-informed parliamentary sources confirm that the House of Representatives, like itself, is an independent and sovereign state, which alone has the right to self-determination and to take what is appropriate for Lebanon and the United States. Lebanese. "Lebanon, which can delay codifying this agriculture, deserves the same day and joins the pbadengers of many American and European countries that preceded it," he said. Legislation of this button And this is not a coincidence or a decision made by the Speaker of Parliament, Nabih Berri, who set up a committee of experts and specialists to study all aspects of the subject and prepare bills for submission to the legislative authority. When Lebanon pbaded through, the international community ceased to fulfill its obligation to compensate the farmers and inhabitants of the Bekaa who responded to the global desire to opt for alternative crops. .

In summary, the reasons explain the legislation on cannabis cultivation Hard currencies, the dollar, the euro and similar to the Lebanese Treasury, the strengthening of the economy, the revitalization of the agricultural sector and the development of the Bekaa, the institutionalization of this agriculture requires the capacity of the state and a lot of time and effort. In the cultivation of the cannabis plant for monetary allocation "by dunam" after the price is determined by a committee of specialists working in coordination with the real estate departments on land surveying in the Bekaa where the region lacks such areas and boundaries of real estate. The security services that control the cultivated areas after the identification and the fence with barbed wire prevent the smuggling of all kinds of bread on the local and foreign markets and this with the rigor of course to prevent the spread of the phenomenon of 39, youth abuse. What preceded us to the legislation of this agriculture by sending security and civilian missions to know how to treat the subject in all its aspects. "

The sources conclude that the initiative taken by President Berri yesterday is a step on the road of a thousand miles He needs a lot of crystallization and preparation to design in Plenary session of the House of Representatives in the presence of the government where it is supposed to be discussed and amended and subject to the acceptance or rejection of the vote.

Source: Central News Agency

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