The Kingdom wants to stabilize Lebanon


Sunday, July 29, 2018 07:00 AM [Nouvelles arabes] Your Excellency, Walid Bukhara, Charge d'Affaires of the Embbady of Saudi Arabia in Lebanon, affirmed that the stability of Lebanon is a priority. In the Kingdom as well as for the Arabs and the Lebanese themselves.

In a speech at its opening today, Bukhara addressed a forum on the role of visual media in preserving coexistence – that Saudi Arabia wishes to preserve the benefits of coexistence and of freedom of opinion and expression in Lebanon.

He concludes that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is concerned only that Lebanon remains a "sovereign and stable and free Arab and remains a pioneer of openness, culture, arts and media, a homeland for all his Arab fans ".

Arab News – Saudi Affairs Officer in Beirut: The Kingdom's Stability in Lebanon

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