The latest developments in the uprising of the "Mahweet" sons against the Houthi militia (details)


The latest developments in the uprising against the Al-Houthi militia [Détails]

The Houthi terrorist militia, one of the sheikhs of the Mohaweet governorate, were arrested after refusing to obey their orders and mobilize fighters. Local sources said that the Houthi militia backed by Iran and Lebanese Hezbollah on Thursday, arresting Sheikh Ammar Khamis, one of the high sheikhs of al-Mahwit, after having refused to mobilize for the militia fronts in Hodeidah province.

In response to the arrest of Sheikh Khamis, the al-Mahwit tribes rallied and cut off all roads and posted themselves in the mountains to ask the militia to release him quickly.

Houthi militias practice the worst oppression and terrorism against Yemenis and leave them no choice but to die on the fronts or die in their prisons and detention camps.

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Source: Happy Yemen

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