The Lebanese Association of Studies and Training has launched a campaign to clean the entrances to Baalbek Castle


The Lebanese Association of Studies and Training has launched a campaign to clean the entrances to the castle of Baalbeck and its surroundings, under the slogan "Baalbeck hosts festivals" in cooperation with the Municipality of Baalbek and civil society organizations. With the launch of the Baalbeck International Festivals and the summer season, the municipality has decided to cooperate with the Lebanese Association of Studies and Training, civil society and school students and parents to conduct an extensive cleaning campaign for all entrances to the castle and the entrance to Baalbek. "The campaign is part of our efforts to ensure the comfort of tourists who visit Baalbeck in the summer, in addition to ensuring security by the security forces, fortunately, and these measures have proved their worth and their efficiency, "he said. "All Lebanese citizens, Arab and foreign tourists, to visit the castle and enjoy this ancient history, and know the city of Baalbek and enjoy the evening vigil in his evenings, and we and all the parents welcome them."

From this campaign to give a civilized message about the city, "say that" that distinguishes h "The campaign coincides with the launch of the Baalbeck International Festival, which is characterized not only by its distinctive program, but also by increasing the interest of its members. "

It is a cultural and artistic event worthy of this ancient city that values ​​tourism and the economy and which is characterized by an increase in the number of visitors throughout the festival period, as well as artistic activities related to all tourism stakeholders, communities and parents. .


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