The meeting of Aoun Jumblatt breaks the ice of the relationship and continues to harden the positions


The meeting between President Michel Aoun and the leader of the Progressive Socialist Party, Walid Jumblatt, did not change the nature of relations between the two parties and the position of the latter on the Covenant. he described as "failure". The result, evident through the declared positions, did not break the ice between them after a series of debates, against a background of several issues, the most important mountain reconciliation, which maintains the preservation, while the difference remained net. "

In this context, a parliamentary source at the Democratic Rally told Asharq Al-Awsat that what Jumblat said of the presidential palace after his meeting with President Aoun, saying that" a part of the alliance is a failure ", confirms that he will not back down., Until what he discussed in connection with the waste of waste and power in the electricity company, Soon, the Deputy Jumblatt alluded to this issue and the President of the Republic did not mention it or have not had any specific hints or requirements regarding Jumblatt's position on the future

Certainly, the socialist president before the meeting with the President of the Republic, and after him and later, will not retreat from the eligibility of the Druze representation, linked to the results of parliamentary elections, where the Charter of the Progressive Socialist Party ". Other terms, "seven out of eight deputies won the Jumblatti lists, and the eighth, the chairman of the Democratic Party, Minister Talal Arslan, left him a vacancy."

The source cited the standard that Bbadil has always raised the most powerful in the Druze community, in the same way as the free patriotic movement and Lebanese forces in the Christian, Shia and future movement in the Sunni community. "

While the free patriotic movement insisted on refusing Jumblatt three Druze seats, Minister Talal Arslan is the third Druze of the future government A socialist rejected him categorically and told the people concerned.

Sources indicate follow up," Middle East, "that Hariri wished the President of the Republic General Michel Aoun to have Jumblatt three Druze ministers, based on what was produced by the parliamentary elections.She added:" But things and indications until here past, and after Jumblatt's visit to the President of the Republic, launched violent positions of some members of the free patriotic movement attacked Jumblatt, "stressing at the same time that the size of two ministers and a point on the line [Asharq Al-Awsat] "We badure them that we will be represented by three ministers and one point on the line."

Due to stalemate in training from the government, Aoun's meeting with Jumblatt only broke the campaigns and disagreements between the two parties. Exacerbated the differences that reached an advanced stage between supporters of both parties, led to Makhau From the occurrence of incidents in the mountain area, which can lead to the collapse of reconciliation, a key point of Baabda meeting, where President Aoun stressed the importance and need to strengthen and vaccinate

Who fought the elections of the mountain, called the reconciliation list, and we would like to preserve it, and we have long been the page of war, and Taif is the guarantor of civil peace and we do not open the books of the past and the graves. Leader of the Progressive Party with the President of the Republic, according to the source, to relieve tensions between Mah

The relations between Joumblatt and Aoun have long been marked by "the absence of chemistry" between them, starting from 1990s, until the stage when President Aoun was exiled to Paris, and then returned to Lebanon. Although the democratic meeting, chaired by former MP Walid Jumblatt, has decided to elect Aoun to the presidency of the republic, with the exception of Minister Marwan Hamadeh, tension remains the dominant position between both parties and is in the process of forming an advanced government

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