The meeting of the parties in the south confirmed the solidarity with the Palestinian people and rejected the agreement of the century – the location of the Al-Manar Canal – Lebanon


The meeting of the Lebanese parties in the south held a meeting at the headquarters of the Nbaderite People's Organization in Sidon and affirmed "the condemnation of the agreement of the century, promoted by the US administration , with the participation of Arab reactionaries aimed at eliminating the Palestinian cause ". He also stressed "the confidence to bring this Zionist agreement into the hands of the struggling Palestinian people, who enjoy the sincere solidarity of the peoples of the Arab nation and all the free peoples of the world."

Who witnessed Sidon and all the cities of the south and its towns and villages He called the Ministry of Energy and Electricity to "adopt justice in the distribution of l & #" Electricity in all Lebanon without distinction or favoritism.

The meeting also discussed the objection to the tariff of the Ministry of Energy. The meeting noted the initiative of a number of municipalities to reduce the price to reflect the harsh living conditions that weigh on citizens and called the municipality of Saida and other municipalities to play their role in protecting the rights of citizens and defense. Pricing "The meeting was addressed to the Environmental Supervisory Authority on the detection of serious environmental and financial violations committed on the south shore of Sidon and documented the large amounts of accumulated waste that poison the city. atmosphere of Sidon and the neighborhood with unpleasant smells and constitute a source of insects.And the harmful germs that transmit various types of diseases. "

The Ministry of the Environment and other relevant officials have called for all measures to end the scourge of disaster by the immediate cessation of the import of waste from the Union of Municipalities of Sidon-Zahrani, "The meeting lamented" the legal obstacles in the right of 39, a number of participants in the inspection tour in the laboratory and the land of the apostate, "calling for" the pursuit of instigators at the instigation of the dir ection of the factory, not the peaceful protesters "

The meeting hoped" to apply radical solutions to various aspects of this ecological disaster, in order to preserve the integrity of the environment and public health , and to prevent the wasting of public money. "

Source: National Agency

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