The ministers of the "forces" opposed the request of the minister of "Hezbollah"!


After a 41-day hiatus, the Council of Ministers met on Saturday, but without peace or handshakes between those involved in the Qabrshmoun-Basateen incident, the Minister of Education and of Higher Education, Akram Shuhaib, and the Minister of Health, Wael Abu Faour (Progressive Socialist Party) and Minister of State for Displaced Affairs. Saleh Al-Ghareeb (Lebanese Democratic Party led by MP Talal Arslan).

Al-Hayat newspaper said that the ministerial meeting held at the Baabda Palace, chaired by the President of the Republic, and the presence of the Prime Minister and absent ministers: Foreign Minister Gebran Bbadil and the Minister of Labor, Kamil Abu Suleiman, included a debate on the procedures of the Minister of Labor. With regard to Palestinian work. "

According to the information "Al-Hayat", when the Minister Mahmoud Qamati (Hezbollah) raised at the end of the session, out of the program, the work permit for Palestinian refugees and put an end to the measures taken by the Minister Abu Suleiman, absent, reminding the President and Prime Minister that they promised a solution. Lebanese Prime Minister Ghbadan Hasbani and May Shidyaq objected and demanded that the case be postponed until the competent minister returned from the trip and made the decision to do so, refusing to allow him to return. 39; absent.

Then Abu Faour suggested that the decision be made, but without talking about it in the media because of the Minister of Labor's embarrbadment. Defense Minister Elias Bou Saab intervened stating, "It is wrong to infringe the powers of a minister and prevent him from enforcing the law," stressing that "the cabinet must not break the minister's decision and recover it". It was decided to defer consideration of the item to a future session.

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