The Muftis Council warned against the danger of harming the Prime Minister's powers: Taif's commitment, lack of artificial standards and confirmation of rotation


warned the Council of Muftis in Lebanon that "the seriousness of the prejudices about the powers of the Prime Minister is constitutionally entitled to form a government in consultation with the President of the Republic, after non-binding consultations conducted by the President-designate with the parliamentary blocs to form a government ". In a statement after a meeting chaired by the Grand Mufti of the Republic in Dar Al Fatwa, he stressed that "the delay in forming the government is due to the creation of artificial customs contrary to the National Reconciliation Document known as the 39, the Taif Accord, which has become a Constitution adopted unanimously by the Lebanese ". "The commitment of all parties to the Taif agreement and the lack of standards that prevent the formation of government and the development of public institutions that the Lebanese expect to find urgent solutions to economic crises , social and life ".

and asks "the preservation of executive and legislative powers and confirms the rotation of ministries and the first categories by the Council of Ministers and under the auspices of the President of the Republic, which is the balance of authority and responsible for the proper application of the Constitution.
He also called on scholars and imams of mosques to "rationalize religious discourse and alert immoral immorality that threatens the Lebanese family and harms the image of Lebanon, an oasis of science, culture, faith. and creativity in the service of man ".

and called on all citizens to "stop bad habits by firing random shots repeatedly, and the acquisition of illegal weapons that threaten social security and convey a distorted image of Lebanese society and its national structure ".

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