The News Unit – a video that sparked a commotion .. And a quick action by the Saudi authorities


A woman stripped of her motherhood strangled her child

Screen News – Agencies – a video was broadcast on social networking sites, apparently in Saudi Arabia, to a woman without feelings of motherhood, which pushed the competent authorities Rapide.

The video, showing an unidentified woman suffocating her granddaughter, the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of Saudi Arabia, was sent Tuesday to relocate.

The ministry spokesman, Khaled Aba al-Khail, said in a tweet on Twitter: "The Domestic Violence Reporting Center has received a verbal report of abuse and speed of". intervention is now under way. "

and under the label "mother_tab_abnth": "was invited to the competent emergency security body to provide the Social Welfare Unit with information that would allow them to". access this situation ".

The e-citizen in Saudi Arabia was the first to publish the hard video Monday night, saying that "a mother was torturing her child because of family problems."

Activists rebroadcast video on social networking sites under the name of "tortured mother", asking the relevant authorities to intervene quickly, which is already done.

News Press Unit – The video causes tumults. Quick change of Saudi authorities – You can see the source of the original news from the following link: Screen News and leave the site of the unit for any responsibility on the news content, but the responsibility comes back to the news. original publisher. [ad_2]
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