The number of Lebanese reached 5.5 million at the end of 2018


International statistics indicate that countries produce periodic population statistics (every three years, every five years or more), but Lebanon is an exception to this basic and important rule in all countries. The first and last demographic statistics date from 1932 and their number has reached 1,046,164 people, and for sectarian reasons, perhaps for other reasons, including failure and disability, it This is not a census of the population nor the number of Lebanese mysteries of the Lebanese mystery.

"In order to remedy this shortage and not to divulge the distribution of Lebanese according to the sect, the number of registered voters was published until 1 January 1965 and the number was 2,367,141, without mentioning membership in a sect, "she said.

She pointed out that the International Information Research conducted on this subject had made it possible to determine the number of Lebanese by 5.5 million people at the end of 2018, distributed according to the table below, which shows the increase in the number of Lebanese between 1932-2018 of 4.4 million, or 426%. This percentage was not the same among the sects, with Christians reaching 174.5% against 785.1% among Muslims.

In 1932, Christians accounted for 58.7% of Lebanese, against 40% of Muslims, but in 2018, these percentages were changed, the proportion of Christians was reduced to 30.6% and the proportion of Muslims to 69.4%. %. The highest percentage was recorded among the Alawites (1052%) and Shiites (946%), while the lowest percentage among the Orthodox (147%).

According to International Information, the Shia community ranked first in terms of numbers and represented 31.6% of Lebanese and the year was in a close rank and represented 31.3%. It is unclear how many Lebanese reside in Lebanon, but an estimated 4.2 million and 1.3 million non-residents. Those who are of Lebanese origin but do not have Lebanese nationality are unknown and are valued at several million.

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