The occupation government must recognize the truth Kites are not a pretext for war


<img src = "×466/08143161377121219437037721375768.jpg" title = "يجب على حكومة الاحتلال أن تعترف بالحقيقة. الطائرات الورقية ليست ذريعة للحرب" alt = "The Government of occupation must recognize the truth Kites are not a pretext for war Jerusalem : Amos Harel writes in Ha'aretz that the situation in the south, such it is reflected at the professional level in Israel Yesterday morning, frustrated and disturbing.The Israeli political leadership has lost its coolness.It is afraid to tell the truth: the kites have created a security problem for the surrounding cities. the Gaza Strip, a threat that must be dealt with constantly and with determination, but the fires ignited by the kites and balloons, which until now have not scratched any Israeli, should not be an excuse to the

These things are not said publicly The political leadership is captive to its military declarations – and without changing its approach, we are dangerously approaching a useless war with Hamas. Internal tensions between the three main parties leading the security policy in the coalition government – the Likud, the Jewish house and Israel Our house – the media coverage of the melodramatic press (yesterday morning "Saqr Hareq" titled a newspaper, They still remember suicide bombings in buses) and increasing public pressure

There does not seem to be anyone at the top level of the Israeli security establishment who believes that burning kites justify the war. If we exclude the need for reelection, it is likely that it is also the position of most ministers. But politicians are reading polls that show great frustration at the ongoing fires in the Gaza Strip, and feel that the ground is beneath their feet. As in the last two rounds of fighting in Gaza, the "column of clouds" in 2012 and the "permanent stand" in 2014, this time too, it is possible to hold elections nearby

. The pressure exerted by Egypt and the United Nations on Hamas could affect the organization to curb kites, but there is growing fear that the military clash will erupt in September. reason for small tactics: an incident, always possible, caused by these losses.
For over a year, all Israeli security forces have been joining forces to warn the government and cabinet against the danger of a humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip and recommend economic measures to remedy it. Earlier, military intelligence was a "strategic warning" for political leaders about the possibility of serious violence in the regions. Since March – during demonstrations along the fence, in repeated towers of rockets, mortars and burning kites – Hamas dictates the course of events. The organization knowingly bears the danger of war that it will free itself from its situation (the Shin Bet thinks it can go to the end, while military intelligence is more skeptical).

The long weeks of kites are the straw that breaks the camel's back. The view of the fields and burning forests is frustrating and scary, but the damage has up to now affected the safety of the inhabitants of the envelope, rather than the security itself. The veterans of the enclave, who are not supporters of the war, remember well the price of the real war: big shelling, civilian casualties, temporary evacuation of the colonies – especially the killing of soldiers. After all this, we may want kites. At the end of the fighting, Israel should resume indirect negotiations with Hamas to discuss the same issues that are currently on the agenda: freedom of movement to the Gaza Strip and playing conditions. [19659002] By the Prime Minister, a few months ago, on the question of African asylum seekers. Netanyahu knows what the responsible policy is, but he is afraid of the angry reaction against his "political base". Ministers Bint and Lieberman face the same problem. The army, which has long resisted the pressure, is afraid to be considered defeatist. [196953] Yesterday evening, the office of the Minister of Security announced that new punitive measures had been taken at the crossing of Kerem Shalom. . According to procedures, fuel and diesel input into the Gaza Strip has been suspended since yesterday morning until Sunday. Fishing for Palestinians has also been reduced for the second time. As for the introduction of food and medicine, the announcement was somewhat confusing. This will continue to be entered after it has been "specifically approved". Thus, they create a feeling of heaviness on Gaza in the Israeli public, whereas in fact the decision is left to the staff of the Office of the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories. Perhaps we have gained another maneuver zone for two days to examine the other options, before the IDF receives a direct order to systematically fire at the kite throwers, despite the chiefs' reservations. Staff.

Netanyahu has been managing for years, often wisely and cautiously, the current crisis with Iran and Hezbollah in the north without bringing Israel into the war. There is also some logic in his skepticism about the chances of moving the political process forward with the Palestinian Authority. But it is difficult to explain the behavior of his government last year on the Gaza issue.

Regarding Gaza, the Israeli government seems to deceive its public at a time when it is increasingly involved in empty statements [19651990] {
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