The official website of Al-Jadid chain, Localities, # Liban_budu President of the Republic as Assad or Nasrallah ?!


# Lebanon A new Hashtag is spreading on the Twitter social networking platform, and its results are intertwined by Lebanese activists, all of whom have stressed the need for a better Lebanon: "Lebanon is the Bedouin of Gandhi, Mandela and Abdel Nbader ". Electricity and medical care and guarantee the aging and street lighting. "

# Lebanon-Bedouins A New Political Clbad.

– Jean Pierre. Some have also argued that "Lebanon is a Bedouin who stops theft, corruption and murder, and successful economic plans away from brokers."

Others stressed the issue of women's violence "

Another activist who said that Lebanon needs a president like Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, saying that" despite the war and bombing and destruction after the state and electrification, and all services ", while others felt that" Lebanon is a nomadic president and president of Croatia " , Collinda Kitarovich

# Lebanon9001 Heck is president … because despite war, bombing and destruction after the state, electricity and all services peak.

– Hbadan Obeid

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Others thought that Lebanon needed a president like Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hbadan Nasrallah


# Lebanon-nomadic Sayyed Hbadan Nasrallah is president of a republic, even if a country becomes a country

While others referred to the "people" as "Lebanon is the Bedouin of a new people, a strong and conscious people. "

# Lebanon-Bedouins A people aware of the coma in which they lived

# Liban Laboud A people whose rice value is known and conserved

] ################################################# ################################################## #####] – majd harb (@MajdBHarb) July 15, 2018

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