The official website of the al-Jadid chain, a Lebanese ambassador is a "stalker" in a big European country


Beirut has several complaints against a Lebanese ambbadador in a key European country, by a number of members of the Lebanese community in France. The complaints are divided between remarks about the ambbadador's personal behavior, the way in which Lebanese diplomacy is handled and the handling of citizens' files, as well as complaints, some of which amount to badual harbadment, according to Al-Akhbar. .

Expats are working on a decree appointing 43 diplomats of the third category (secretary) in Lebanese missions abroad. After the first draft of nominations was prepared by the Secretary General of the Ministry, Ambbadador Hani Shmeitli and the Director of Political Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambbadador Ghadi Khoury, the project is under way. revision and amendment.

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