The official website of the Al-Jadid chain, Al-Jadid, 3 people survived after the collapse of a roof and a building in the Al-Bass camp in Tire


Three people survived death in the Al-Bbad refugee camp, at the entrance to the city of Tire, after parts of the roof and part of the steps of the building in which they were living collapsed.

According to the agency, family members of Mohammed Abdul Majid, Sami and Jihad Zaidani woke up to the sound of falling concrete blocks from the roof of the two-story building and the eclipse of fall, and hid in the inner corners.

One of the residents of the house, Muhammad Zaydani, badumed full responsibility for the risks incurred by his family members because they "have gone to their offices several times. to ask for help to rebuild the house. 19659002]

He asked UNRWA and the camp officials to respond to his request and begin the renovation of the house, before he, his children, parents and families sleep in the rubble.

He said, "They promised me to UNRWA to renovate the house and they said that my name was on the list of houses that will be restored." He said "The houses were broken and the houses became almost daily. The camp collapsed, cracked the roofs and cracked the walls, causing injuries to civilians and causing serious physical damage. "

The inhabitants of the building called on UNRWA and all concerned to" act quickly to repair the destroyed homes, to prevent danger to the lives of its inhabitants, it is one of their most basic civil rights. "

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