The official website of the Al-Jadid chain, Localities, Pula Yacoubian excuse to the Lebanese


MP Paula Yacoubian continued her account on Twitter, saying: "In the country of the traffic crisis, the roads leading to the House of Representatives are closed at each session. roads can not be measured, it is regrettable and unjustifiable to underline the stability of security in Lebanon. "

In the land of the crushing road crash, the roads leading to are closed The Council At each session
I apologize to the Lebanese for my courage of l & # 39; open
Today we have "elected" the commissions of one third of the time! Although the loss of road closures can not be measured, a regrettable and unjustified decision to break the stability of security # Lebanon

– Paula Yacoubian (@PaulaYacoubian) 17 July 2018

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