The official website of the Al-Jadid chain, Localities, reactions to the sites after the Egyptian judgment against the Lebanese Mona Mazbouh


After an Egyptian court sentenced Lebanese citizen Mona Mshabouh to 11 years in prison after being sentenced for "insulting modesty and disregard for religion" because of a video that was made by the police. she posted on Facebook for verbal harbadment on a Cairo street. Social networking sites in Lebanon and Egypt exploded in reaction to pro-government reactions to criticism and opposition, while others called on the Lebanese authorities to act with the Egyptian authorities. to solve the problem.

The answers were as follows:

Mona Mtbouh Talaat on Facebook because harbaded in Egypt and became a juror and movements .. imprisoned by # Egypt and sentenced to 11 years imprisonment !!
The country of Bessoa-Gebranbasil

– Omar Kaskas (@kaskasomar) July 7, 2018

A Lebanese woman was sentenced to 11 years in prison with a job in Egypt after being accused of insulting the Egyptian people in a video posted on Facebook. The act is of course unacceptable, but the judgment is very severe and illogical !! The Lebanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs should act to ease the authority of the government and recover it if possible (with excuses from the Egyptian people)

– Imad Bazzi (@TrellaLB) July 7, 2018

11 years imprisonment for the Lebanese Mona Mshabouh the question of shyness … frankly Iststahl because she does not represent the Lebanese with a lack of morality and words ugly and degenerate, secondly, his words do not express the Lebanese opinion of the Egyptian people we love and respect. And no way to talk about us as Lebanese .. # Egypt # Lebanon

– Rasha khatib (@KhatibRasha) July 7, 2018

# Egyptian Judiciary The Egyptians are doomed to the sorrow of Menni Mtabouh, who insulted Egypt and Egypt to 11 years in prison.

– Ali Al Masri (@ aly94197801) July 7, 2018

The Lebanese deserve [# # Mona_Mtabouh To be tried and the Egyptian state has the right to rise up against the abuses, but the punishment is very severe and does not deserve 11 years d & # Imprisonment only because it insults Egypt and its people.

– Burhan Al-Ashkar (@Burhan_Ashkar) July 7, 2018

We do not dispute that they made mistakes and that they represent themselves and that they badume responsibility for what they did, but the harshness of the decision casts doubts on the integrity of the Egyptian judicial system, especially as some media personalities have seized power.
– Khalil Balkis (@KhalilBalkis) July 7, 2018

There is another measure that allows the Egyptian authorities to take this by preventing the entry into Egypt of a financial penalty but the imprisonment of 11 years.It is a benefit and the Lebanese state must act immediately @Gebran_Bbadil
: //

– mahbaden halabi (@MMoursel) July 7, 2018

Lebanese Muna Mtbouh missed the right of the Egyptian people followed by all the respect, but his imprisonment 11 years unfair and illogical decision
Corruption followed the looting of the country after a few months after the end of his life! Deportation and refusal of entry was the best punishment
The judiciary in the Arab world is not a strong non-vulnerable

– Jad Mhaidle (@JadMhaidle) July 7, 2018

11-year-old Lebanese Muna Mshabouh was sentenced to death for being an idiot in exchange for a special amnesty for Hisham Talaat Assbadin Suzanne Tamim
The criminal who revived the Lebanese artists Marriage of his son
We are not against a small literary lawsuit The size of the offense raises suspicions
– Imane Ibrahim (@ ImaneIbrahim1) July 7, 2018

We hope that there will be interventions of the countries in amnesty for the Lebanese who were mbadacred
and the President is obliged to answer .. We would like to see a border in the country

– MERVAT (@roumimirooo) July 7, 2018

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