The official website of the Al-Jadida chain, Arabiya, "blasphemy" Syrian to the loss of Russia in the World Cup


The Syrian opposition to President Bashar al-Assad hosted social networking sites with Croatia's victory over Russia and the World Cup on Saturday night in Sochi

Abu al-Huda al-Homsi , a militant living in the factions of the opposition. Syria, on its own on Twitter: "Croatia crushes Russia and expels the World Cup and the day will come when the Syrian people will be expelled from Syria."

A spokesman for the National Coalition for the Revolutionary Forces and the Syrian opposition in exile Ahmed Ramadan wrote in a tweet: "Praise be to Allah who made the Russians cry, Syrians and Arabs rejoice. "

Activist Mohammed Decak wrote on Twitter: "All Syria is Farhana with the victory of Croatia, except Hameimim Airport", the air base where Russian troops are stationed in northwestern Syria.

Croatia ended Russia's adventure by winning 4-3 on penalties (1-1 and 2-2) in the match. quarter of Saturday in Sochi. And will meet Wednesday at the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow with England in the semifinals.

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