The official website of the new chain, art people, a new secret on Michael Jackson. Has he been subjected to castration by his father?


Conrad Murray, star doctor Michael Jackson, revealed in a video posted on BLAST that Joseph Jackson was one of the worst parents in history and that Michael was exposed to violence and suffering at because of that.

Murray said, "The cruelty expressed by Michael and testified by his father and the fact that he is chemically specialized to maintain his strong voice can not be expressed in words." "It is said that a good person dies small, I hope that Joseph will repent of what he did to his son while he was in hell."

This is not the first time Murray claims that Michael is "chemically special," as he mentioned in his book: This Is It! The Secret Lives of Dr. Conrad Murray and Michael Jackson, "in which Joseph, the star's father, was accused of forcing him to take a hormonal injection at the age of 12 to treat him." Acne and prevent the change of tone of his voice.

Murray was imprisoned for two years for manslaughter after being convicted in 2011. He was denied a license to practice his profession in three states.

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