The political solution to the mountain incident has blocked security options


A senior minister told Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper that "the use of a political solution to absorb the repercussions of the incident in the mountains, which manifested itself at the meeting of reconciliation and franchise sponsored by President Michel Aoun, has pushed to block some ministers. "The members of the strong Lebanese group, led by Foreign Minister Gebran Bbadil, have insisted on adopting a security solution to deal with its repercussions." He explained that "the discrepancy between the two points of view was evident at the emergency meeting chaired by President Aoun in front of the High Defense Council immediately after the incident."

He stressed that "Prime Minister Saad Hariri was in the vanguard to demand that the political solution outweighs the solutions of the security order," noting that "the commander of the" Lebanese army, General Joseph Aoun, was not far from his point of view, in exchange for one On the part of the minister to be the preference for a security solution. "

The source of the minister pointed out that "those who claimed the adoption of a security solution avoided to mention clearly this solution, but focused on its content under the pretext that it was necessary to patrol the l & # 39; 39, army in several cities of Chouf and Aley districts and to set up barriers in certain areas.In search of those involved in the incident and their arrest, "stressing that" the general Aoun felt that such measures were not necessary and that army units were deployed in the districts of Chouf and Aley and that attention needed to be paid to a political solution. "

This article "Source for the Middle East: the political solution to the mountain incident cuts the way to security options" Adapted from the information letter (Lebanon), and does not reflect in any way the political of the site or point of view, but the responsibility of the news or health on the source of the news of origin is the letter of information (Lebanon).

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