The political solution to the mountain incident has blocked security options


A senior minister told Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper that "the use of a political solution to absorb the repercussions of the incident in the mountains, which manifested itself at the meeting of reconciliation and Franchise sponsored by President Michel Aoun, pushed to block some "reserve" ministers.They belonged to the bloc "Strong Lebanon" led by Foreign Minister Gebran Bbadil, who insisted on adopting a security solution to deal with He explained that "the divergence between the two points of view was evident at the emergency meeting chaired by President Aoun in front of the High Council of Defense immediately after the incident."

He stressed that "Prime Minister Saad Hariri was in the vanguard to demand that the political solution outweigh the security solutions," noting that "the Lebanese army commander, General Aoun, was not far from his point of view, in exchange for the request of more than one minister.Were the preference for a security solution. "He stressed that" those who demanded Adoption of a security solution avoided to mention clearly in this intervention, but focused on its content on the pretext that it was necessary to conduct army patrols in a number of cities of Chouf and Aley districts and to set up barriers in some of them in search of the people involved in the incident and who pursued them to stop them, "stressing that "General Aoun considered that such measures were not necessary and that army units were deployed in the districts of Chouf and Aley and that it was necessary to pay attention to a political solution ".

The ministerial source said that "some ministers have failed to attract the army commander to his political stage, especially since the task of the army is to maintain stability and calm, and that what has happened is a translation of political congestion, which can not be solved by security measures without being supported by other measures of a political nature ". . He pointed out that "some ministers did not succeed their populist bidding on General Aoun, especially after it was found that the fears invoked by these people were not in place," he said. given the role played by the deployed army units in the districts of Chouf and Aley and having led to prevent the reactions of the incident ".

He added that "General Aoun was alerted early in the incident in the mountains about the possibility of extending to other areas, which led the leaders of the Army to step up its actions in order to maintain stability and not fall into the heat of the attempt to show the army without a team, "pointing out that" General Aoun pbaded the test, which led all parties to bet on the military as a safety valve to protect the stability of security, despite the high level of political crisis in the country. "

He also said that "one of the ministers wanted to use the repercussions of the Qabrishmoun incident to continue his political and media campaign against the information division of the internal security forces and incite them to go to closed political lounges, and proposed the formation of a security committee composed of all security services ". Conduct investigations into the Qabrishmoun incident, although "information" has come a long way in conducting investigations based on the mandate of the discriminatory public prosecutor's office. "He revealed that" the minister's proposal was rejected for more than one reason, prompting some parties not to talk about it because he was stillborn. "


The minister explained that "those who asked the army to take measures including some areas of the Chouf and Aley wanted to respond to it and, in his calculation, that the" Progressive Socialist Party "would have a position adversary, which is not what happened ". He delivered some speeches by the Minister of National Defense, Elias Bou Saab, on the occasion of the launch of Lebanese army squares. Politically about reconciliation through the nod of the "progressive" channel, who took the initiative to generalize its leaders so as not to respond to him and treat his words as if they were not.

In addition, he said that "the political solution of Qabrishmoun incident on other options, including security, has caused the satisfaction of one team and the resentment of another , while army leaders have managed to protect his worksite and maintain security in the Shouf and Aley, focusing on the role of the Speaker of Parliament, Nabih Berri Hariri is unconditional and favors reconciliation as a starting point to end the disruption of cabinet meetings. "He stressed that" therefore, "spared" for the role of the military was not able to Involve the Qabrishmun incident in the game of settlement of accounts to prepare the presidential battle, although it is premature to mention it, although some worry about it. Basil's inability to obtain the disengagement Restores the vitality of communication with the United States of America and some European and Arab countries.

He concluded that "some" spare "members were stuck in their attempt to train the army commander in their yard and enrolled in the duels, at least from his point of view. of view, and did not pay attention to those who promoted it and limited its interest in the army in light of the high level of concern of these for the presidential future Especially as their insistence on what they demanded action after the incident that Qabrishmon reproached them for, after it was discovered on the grounds that there was no room for these pretexts.

The Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper has learned that "one of the reasons for rejecting the proposal of one of the ministers is that security officials, including the army command, have understood that their participation in a joint investigation commission implied that some were trying to question the investigation conducted by them ". "Information", and therefore the involvement of the agencies in a duel to change the investigation to recognize the existence of a plot to badbadinate. a minister, and the approval of this joint commission sets a precedent that leads to such a party to claim the circumvention of any investigation, does not relieve him of the responsibility incumbent upon him Any infringement. "

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