The Qabrishmoun incident will not affect administrative appointments and reconciliation aims to melt the ice between Joumblatt and Arslan – Al Manar TV – Lebanon


Arab Unity Party leader, former Wiam Wahhab Minister, hailed "the initiative taken by His Excellency President Michel Aoun to deal with the Qabrishmoun incident".

After visiting the head of Lebanese Democratic Party deputy Talal Arslan at his home in Khaldeh, Wahab said that "the mountain is better today than yesterday, because of what was needed, but unfortunately, it is not the end of the process. In Kabarshmoun.

He said: "From the beginning, we were with the Lebanese army, taking all necessary measures to control mountain safety, and the most important is the application of preventive security, before the 39, incident, "adding:" All those who are in the mountains incite to invent problems or block the roads, Or to kill or use weapons, the army must take this seriously, and we are confident in the fact that the army will take all this decisively and seriously. "

He stressed that "the security plan in the mountain, more than necessary, because it is forbidden to use weapons between all parties, this is a red line and is not allowed, and must be managed by the security services ".

Acting on the political track of reconciliation, he said that "what was needed was the removal of the ice between Mir Talal Arslan and Mr. Walid Jumblatt, which is normal after the Choueifat bloodshed in Kabarshmoun, but there are essential elements in this path, which must be completed and the basis of this work. "The mountains are for everyone, everyone on the mountain can do politics, anything that goes against that means bringing things back to zero."

"The Qabrishmoon incident will not affect the issue of administrative appointments." Political representation in the government must be reflected in administrative appointments, as we have previously agreed with our allies in their entirety and the fact that the Qabrishmun incident will not change anything to this agreement. "

Calling on "to surrender to the military court all the wanted persons in the Qabrishmoun incident," he stressed that "it is the property of the families of the victims and that it does not end with a meeting or a reconciliation but must be treated with wisdom and that the basis is the continuation of the judicial process and its completion. Judicial inquiry at the military court. "

Answering a question, he replied: "Mir is the owner of the blood, confirmed from the outset the subject of the Justice Council, but everyone noted that the procedure before the military court was not slow, but that the judicial proceedings had been accelerated, "noting that" the documents on which he rested The prosecutor, referring the case, and his remarks about the provocations of sectarian quarrels and sedition in the country, may have reached the Justice Council, but this issue is the subject of careful discussion, and the investigating judge will publish its reading after hearing the accused, but the more important is to hand over all the defendants. "

SOURCE: National Agency of Information

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