The Qla'at airport of Lebanon returns to the facade with tourist benefits


Beirut : The Beirut International Airport has recently experienced an active movement in terms of pbadenger numbers and departures, which conveys positive tourism indicators contributing to the country's economic movement, but which exacerbates the crisis with airport congestion, mbadive pbadengers.

Parallel to this crisis, the possibility of reopening the airport at Qal & Akkar, with the state's inability to finance the project to expand the airport. 39, Beirut Airport, resumed: What are the expected benefits from the opening of a second airport in Lebanon?

The airport of Al-Qalayat is necessary

The possibility of opening the airport of Qal & at 39, at Akkar, which only requires maintenance to accompany the airport of Beirut, is discussed in the light of the Beirut Airport Crisis, Financing of the airport expansion project Beirut, worth $ 200 million, pending the formation of government and access to Cedar conference funds.

In this regard, the economic expert Luis Hobeika in his speech to "Elaf" that the opening of the airport is necessary, the presence of another airport in Lebanon remains essential , and with the presence of three airports are also better and are distributed by the airlines, The presence of these airports, we find car parks as well as the flourishing tourist movement, and relieves the pressure on Beirut and its airport, with the buildings around from him is no longer the ideal airport. Advantages and Disadvantages

On the advantages of opening the airport or the disadvantages of its opening, Hobeika says: "The benefits are the development of development and employment of workers , To operate two airports in Lebanon, the goal is not to facilitate arrivals at the airport of Beirut, but to keep the work as at the main airport and d & # 39; increase elsewhere, and the airport does not replace the airport of Beirut. Increase in work and non-distribution between airports, and here can use the airport Qlaayat Charters and companies The burden
According to Hobeika, Lebanon can bear the burden of opening a new airport, and there are also several techniques that cost nothing to the state and which the build for a while, In Lebanon

The opening of the airport and It is very beneficial for Lebanon, thanks to the addition of works The airport of Beirut remains important and we must increase the work of other airports.

The process of revitalizing neighboring areas through the opening of Qlaayat Airport is done through the operation of hundreds of people from neighboring regions, and even aviation experts,

Hobeika adds that the opening of the airport should not be done at the expense of the continuity of Beirut airport, in two ways in making an airport for Charters, and secondly to host non-existent airlines in Beirut.

About the airport of Al-Qalayat
The idea of ​​restarting the airport of Qal'at n & # 39; 39, was not mentioned for the first time on several occasions.

The military base of Qal & # 39; at, currently occupied by the army, is located in the coastal town of Qali & # 39; at, in the center of Akkar, 105 km from Beirut and 25 km north of Tripoli.

The state resorted to the airport in the late 1980s as a civilian airport after communication between the capital and northern Lebanon was not equipped to receive pbadengers and witnessed the movement of landing.

The first aircraft used in the first phase of the "Boeing 720" Middle East carrier 16 pbadengers from the north to the Lebanese capital, then the company "Middle East" three flights a week, and increased two flights per day and the price The ticket to and from with 28 thousand pounds for the first clbad, and 20 thousand pounds for the tourist clbad, and then estimated the number of pbadengers who used the airport Qlaayat about 300 pbadengers per day. The reign of President Rene Moawad
The importance of this airport became more important when it became the venue for the election of Rene Moawad to the presidency of the Republic on November 5, 1989, during the landing of the Boeing 707, Huge aircraft receipt.

After Moawad's death on the morning of Independence Day on November 22, 1989, the Council of Ministers decided to name the airport on his behalf, and domestic flights remained in place until the day of Independence Day. at the end of 1991.

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