The Real Estate Crisis Calls for Movements in Every Way – Alankabout Spider – Lebanon News – Australia News


Last Updated: 1 hour ago

Source: The Journal of the Lebanese Republic


Author: The Electronic Spider

Views: 121

The housing loan crisis has continued at the forefront of developments, with continued movement and attempts to find effective treatments. The Minister of Social Affairs, Pierre Bou Assi, has signed a new bill, which has been added to the proposal of the Bloc du Futur.

Minister of Finance Ali Hbadan Khalil received yesterday the Minister of Social Affairs Pierre Bou Asi "I came today to meet the Minister of Finance to discuss together the process of exit from the crisis of subsidized loans for the housing, "Boubadi said after the meeting. And put forward several ideas, some of which pbades through the powers of the Ministry of Finance. Last week, we visited the president of the Banking Association, Dr. Joseph Tarbayeh, and we offered to exempt the banks from some of the taxes in exchange for home loans. "

" I discussed today with Minister Khalil to see if this financial approach is possible and under what conditions. "

" It is necessary to examine the details from the point of view of the Public Accountability Act and the Law on Money and Credit before considering that this step can be accomplished. With flexible and subsidized loans to enable low-income people to own apartments and allow those who build Adha buildings to continue in their work and also involved in the economic process. And we agreed with the Minister of Finance of the need for a clear housing policy for the Lebanese State and we agreed that the conditions of the Public Housing Institution are the most appropriate to obtain subsidized loans and a sustainable housing policy. Do not collapse at the first security or political or economic or financial, and therefore complete our tours with those interested to develop housing policy and think about funding from the Bank of Lebanon, and other sources financing can be part of the state treasury. Housing?

He replied, "I will be honest and honest with people. I will not prepare people for what I can not do. The promise I make is my constant quest to find a solution, but the term is the time to get sustainable, long-term funding. We can not find a solution for only a year or two. "Funding should be guaranteed for 30 years, the maximum period of the loan period, etc. We have done nothing. "

In this context, MP Qbadim Hashim proposed a repealed bill to the House of Representatives Young Al-Shabaab through the housing crisis, in the presence of members of the "support of young Lebanese".

Hashim pointed out that "today we have with our colleagues from the parliamentary blocs this accelerated accelerated proposal, which is limited to securing the Lebanese budget For the year 2018 to support the interests of the housing loans financed by Lebanese banks and listed within the institution And there is a possibility that all the institutions that contribute to the housing of the Lebanese youth are supported.There is no need for objection to this, and subsequent support will be included in the general budget of the Lebanese State each year and its value will be determined. "

The possibility of holding meetings necessitated by national necessities, even under the interim government, and which the President thought would be required for such legislative sessions, this proposal will be on the agenda because of its national importance to see the light. "

Lebanese charitable Charbel Chouha" MP Qbadem Hashim and N deputies signed this proposal are: Now Aun, Paula Yacoubian, Tony Franjieh and Sami Fatfat, "adding that" the block of the Future submitted a proposition »

Source: newspaper Republic of Lebanon

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