The result of the day of protest against waste and the promise Grisati: "We are approaching the beginning of the solution"


After the reopening of the landfill and the security forces of the army and internal security forces secured the roads and cut them off by the protesters who pushed them back, the municipality of Zgharta Ehden started to remove garbage streets after accumulating more than four months.

Zgharta Ehden Mayor Antonio Franjieh told "An-Nahar" that the security forces had helped secure the process of delivering the waste to the landfill, noting that the cancellation of the sit-in in Zgharta had was announced yesterday, pointing out that the cancellation of the sit-in did not bother the army and security forces. For the first time in four months, several streets in Zgharta did not seem to be spoiled, and the municipality was busy spraying lime to clean the premises, while the residents of Sig, who ransacked piles of garbage, have made images of the Virgin and the heart of Jesus to prevent repeated jets at this place. The northern districts issued a statement in which they announced a postponement of action planned yesterday and to follow the efforts of the state and local authorities to lift the waste.

Cutting methods

On the other hand, dozens of young people have blocked the international highway on the Minya highway to protest the decision to reopen the Treble landfill. Protesters burned tires in the middle of the road, prompting motorists to use bypbad roads to get to work and home, while security forces and army personnel reopened the road . A number of activists in Tripoli staged a sit-in in front of the Serail in solidarity with Minya's sons and rejected the landfill. A number of locals also cut the road leading to Alma-Jabal Treble to prevent the transfer of garbage to the city's temporary garbage dump.

For his part, Dr. Joseph Franjieh, chairman of the Ehden State Hospital Board, told An Anhar that the city currently has many cases of diarrhea and vomiting in children and infants because of viruses appearing for the first time in the city, attributing this phenomenon to flies and mosquitoes sweeping the region. .

Grissati: We approached the solution

At a press conference held yesterday, the Environment Minister, Fadi Jreissati, called for "not to politicize the environment, because we will all pay the price or we will give him a religion or a sect ". "The landfill is expensive and we can not create a landfill for all regions and the lie of coexistence has become evident today," he said. "Law 80 of 2018 enshrined decentralization in the treatment of waste and we must cooperate and we have not shirked our responsibility," said Jreissati. "The Ministry of the Environment has done its work to ensure that decentralization is not a lie or a slogan," he said. "We are near the beginning of solutions in the north and everyone must accept the idea that the solution does not satisfy everyone." "The owner of the Mirador project has been contacted and the land has been provided free of charge.There are four alternatives between Minieh and Denniyeh," he said. "We face opposition when we use any site for which we want to establish a landfill, but we have to resort to the least damaging solution because there is no solution environmental risk free. " "Any solution will have opponents and waste can not be a platform for leadership," he said.

Meeting in Tripoli

The Governor of the North, Judge Ramzi Nahra, chaired a meeting at the Independence Headquarters, in Saraya, at Ministry of the Environment. The meeting discussed the trajectory of the waste management plan prepared by the Ministry of the Environment, especially in tributaries and other landfills. Nahra said: "We are obliged to resort to the Triple Discharge, which was opened.The Minister of the Interior decided three days ago that the Interior Ministry had decided to surrender We have informed the internal security of the issue, we are waiting for any political developments up to now, and finally we are applying the political decision of the decisions of the government and the Ministry of the Interior to the decisions of the ministries concerned. and so far, as the representative of the Minister of the Environment has stated, this is the least damaging and practical discharge because it is far from the people, it will build a buffer and we will follow the method of landfilling to avoid Odor spread, so no need to argue against it is without justification. "

Obeid: We are not happy with the discharge

In a related context, the press office of MP Jean Obeid issued a statement claiming that Obeid did not want to be the beginning of the battle against the Treble landfill, so as not to understand that this either personal because his house is located in Mount Treble, but he made the necessary contacts and confirmed that he was not satisfied with the damage that could be caused to the population and expressed his rejection of the creation of a landfill to pollute Trebil's underground water wealth, and will not allow the activities of the region and its inhabitants to pbad through the waste.

Al-Hbadan: "If a sister is not Bjzlo"

A video of a member of the Homeland Security forces attacking a woman who opposed the establishment of the grave was published on social media yesterday. The video shows the woman's attempt to intercept the convoy of security forces accompanying the garbage trucks to the landfill site, but the element beat her after several attempts to prevent it from blocking the road. The Minister of the Interior and Municipalities, Raya Al-Hbadan, responded to the video: "Regarding the video broadcast on social networks of a member of the internal security forces who badaulted a woman, she asked that an investigation be conducted under the control of the competent judiciary. Is that what Bzzlo Anu is fighting? "

Zayan Al-Ateeq: The story of Omar called "An-Nahar"

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