The right way to cook spinach – statement


A study in Sweden found that cooking spinach and lush vegetables resulted in the destruction of antioxidants and reduced the chances of getting the desired health benefits.

Researchers at Linköping University have found that cutting spinach and mixing it with milk releases a powerful nutrient called lutein, which reduces the risk of heart attack and prevents cirrhosis.

The researchers tested different spinach cooking methods to modify their nutritional content. They measured lutein levels regularly and concluded that it was best to mix the raw leaves with dairy products before they consumed them.

"When the spinach leaves are cut into small pieces, more lutein is added and the fat increases the solubility of the compound in the liquid," said Rosanna Chung, reported by Russia Today.

The researchers explained that melting a larger amount of lutein into the fluid increased the rate of absorption by the body.

The study, published in the journal Food Chemistry, revealed that a meal of spinach cooked at low temperatures helps retain a greater amount of vitamin.

"We compared different temperatures for home-cooking methods and studied how to cook spinach without cooking it, such as putting it in salads and juices," said Dr. Lina Yunbadon of the Department of Medical Sciences and Medicine. of health.

Lutein has been shown to help reduce chronic swelling of blood vessels in patients with coronary artery disease, which may reduce the risk of heart attack.

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