It is important to know the risk of lung cancer in smokers and its most important symptoms, because lung cancer is a serious illness that can lead to death, leading to serious health complications and one of the first diseases that can affect smokers.
The risk of lung cancer in smokers and the most important symptoms:
Lung cancer starts to affect it gradually and does not show any symptoms until it is not possible from the lungs, The most important symptom is:
- Cough continues.
- Coughing blood even if a small amount.
- Shortness of breath.
- The chest pain continues.
- Hoarseness of the voice.
- Weight loss for no reason.
- Pain with bones.
- Headache
- Fatigue and general exhaustion.
- Sleeping troubles.
Lung cancer and smoking:
Lung cancer according to the medical site " mayoclinique "It is the leading cause of cancer deaths in men and women, where lung cancer each year has a higher incidence of cancers of the colon, prostate, ovaries and bad.
Smokers are at a greater risk of developing lung cancer, although lung cancer can also affect people who do not smoke, but it increases the risk of lung cancer based on the duration and number of cigarettes smoked .
Note: Before taking this treatment or method, consult your doctor.
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