The secrets of the newspaper for Wednesday, July 18, 2018


Construction: Khafaya and Kowalis

Political circles noted the intensification of an Arab diplomatic movement on the Lebanese arena, politically, partisan and regional, and even towards badociations concerned with social affairs. Suspicion and obstruction of a number of important internal files, as a means of pressure on the forces that oppose the state policy to which the diplomats refer.

A former Arab ambbadador to Washington, following the situation in America, declared that the Russian-American summit would trigger complex conflicts in the United States because of the contradiction between what the administration must do in a country that loses a lot of its powers. Their needs for compromise and compromise, and a culture of elites, public opinion and media for nearly a century based on a sense of power, greatness, exclusivity and transcendence . He said that these conflicts will affect the presidential elections against President Donald Trump unless the compromises sought by Russia with the outcome of the size of the end of North Korea's nuclear issue.

The Future:

says Western diplomats badume that the international envoy to resolve the Syrian crisis, Stefan de Mistura, will report to the Security Council by the end of this month on the evolution of the Syrian situation and that the parties expect its content in the light of the evolution of the shield and the outcome of the summit between the United States and Russia.

Semi-official sources confirm that 98% of the government's training contract is local, and that there is no regional influence on any of the important players.

Members of a Christian party felt that the relationship was broadening and rooting with an allied party in the context of protecting reconciliation on the mountain.

A Minister Asked His Top Advisers in a National Institution ..

Daylight: The Secrets of the Gods

It was noted that a high Official began to fear for days that a regional foreign agenda is behind some obstacles to the formation of a new government.

Complete Record

It was found that the information office of President Fouad Siniora provided complete official texts of the minutes of the meetings of the Council of Ministers at the beginning of the July 2006 war … .

Ministers close to the time warn of a "wave of destruction" which, they say, targets most of the official and private sectors of the country in a context of intensifying the current difficult circumstances. .


I asked the economic community what is preventing the interest of consumer protection from controlling prices and cracking down on offenders.

Political circles noted that a visit from a regional chief of state came to ask a team to relax its positions late


The Political circles revealed that a responsible referral was the focus of a campaign against a "neutral distance". function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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