The singer of the plane crash "Pink" and burned .. Witness!


A private plane carrying the crew of the American singer Pink and her manager crashed and caught fire in Denmark, according to reports.

Fans of the American singer were dismayed by the news of the crash of their favorite featured plane, but fortunately you were not on board, its director and team having miraculously survived.

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<p>The incident occurred in the early hours of Tuesday at the airport "Aarhus" Danish, and this after Pink had proceeded to a ceremony in the city of Oslo in Norway. </p>
<p>At the heart of the event, the British newspaper "Daily Mail", images of the aircraft, which appeared very devastating, after he fell on the runway and ignited. </p>
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The director of Pink and his crew were among the other 10 pbadengers, as well as the crew and none of the pbadengers on board were injured. The details of the accident are still under investigation and the newspaper did not comment on the singer. American

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<p>The incident followed the success of Pink's concert, which was attended by thousands of fans, as part of her singer tour from August to November, which will include many venues, including Germany's New York, Brazil and certainly America. </p>
<p>It is not clear if the incident will affect his tour.</p>
<p>Source: fuchsia</p>
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