The sponsor of the Economic Council: they take their place in the formation of the government and do not mean the suffering of the people


Maronite Patriarch Maris Bishara Boutros-Raya visited the Economic and Social Council and said: "I am pleased to visit this Economic and Social Council, thanking its President, Charles Arbid, for his kind invitation and his kind words of welcome You will meet in this Council to reflect and dialogue to create a clear vision and develop a constructive economic policy and work to express opinions and advice on economic and social issues.
"We know from the experience of the countries that the economy is strong in its economy, its stable currency, its growth and development, its employment opportunities, its technological progress, its diversity of production and its competitiveness, and we know that the language of politics In case of meeting of heads of state, the economy is a priority in their negotiations, and then in the armament and resolution conflicts in the world.
The strong economy contributes to the construction of the public and private sectors. "We regret that the practice of politics is far from these concepts and efforts, and does not matter to the poles and has only influence to secure their shares and interests to the detriment of the public interest, it is enough to see, unfortunately, how to postpone and delay the formation of the new government, and does not mean the suffering of the people economically, socially and living. Government of parliamentary blocs does not only mean the formation of procedural authority, but the composition of a mini-parliament, which contradicts the separation of powers.Lebanon is a personal and non-geographical federal federation and does not So there is no local government, as the administrative decentralization expanded, as noted Professor Antoine Mbadara, member of the Constitutional Council: Al-Nahar Thursday, July 12, 2018. Where is the society? His participation in the government? Is the state preparing for the reforms requested by the Paris Conference "CEDRE" on April 6, more than three months ago, a condition for obtaining the promised financial badistance of $ 11.5 billion of dollars? "
He says: "We hear daily, and around us, and our visitors on the difficult economic and financial situation of the public and private sectors in Lebanon, suffer from a deficit and a financial and private deficit more the closing down of many companies and its repercussions, wars and conflicts and the displacement of its people and its repercussions on us, but Lebanon with five million people has very important resources: natural resources of the most beautiful and most rich in our environment, human resources of the richest resources in the region But how can you We can not be content with not managing the beauty of our nature and the purity of our environment, neglecting what favors tourism, protect public health and not accept the neglect of our educated and specialized young resources to build our state.What is the result of the efforts Lebanese s at home and abroad over many years.
"We are like the countries of the world that are striving to make the most of their available domestic resources to build their economies and societies and secure a better future for their generations." We call on the official sector not to neglect these resources and use them for the progress and prosperity of Lebanon. "

" The middle clbad has disappeared and one third of the Lebanese people are below the poverty line and 30% of our workforce are unemployed, and let us not forget that the main cause of this stalemate is the spread of corruption in ministries and public administrations, waste of public money,
We know that global economic reforms for better social justice and efficiency are fiscal, social, health, educational, productive and environmental. These countries are focusing on scientific research, especially applied research, in order to develop their production and give them a greater ability to compete in global markets. Among these reforms is the involvement of the private sector in modernizing the management of public services and infrastructure on behalf of the state, with the conservation of property and the right of control. Investments and employment opportunities abound, the economy is active, budget deficits are reduced and public finances are strong. Administrative and financial decentralization has been adopted in many countries for balanced development and tax evasion. "Your Council is the most appropriate place to discuss all these issues and to advise workers in the formal and private sectors: the economic dimension that should stimulate its productive sectors, especially the development of its productive sectors."

The industry and its care and support to agriculture, with a focus on securing markets for the elimination of production, and the social dimension to develop a new social code based on the modernization of the laws on retirement and social protection, employment, housing, education and medicine. You know all these things and their difficulties, challenges and dangers. He must work to meet and overcome.
Our bet on you is great and we hope that you will make a strong contribution to the financial, economic and social progress of the country. May God reward you and guide your path to the ways of good and right and fulfillment and success. "

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