The statement of the army drops Fadi Karam!


After the MTV television station reported on a truck stolen from the Beirut port and discovered in the Bekaa, specifically in the border area of ​​Al-Qasr, according to the report, the head of the owners union Truck owners from Eid Daou harbor reportedly talked about receiving the truck through illegal crossings. Without verifying any data, nor even inquiring as to the accuracy and truth of the case, he fired his charges against Defense Minister Elias Bou Saab, and not against him. army, blaming him for the traffic and theft and writing the report of the chain.

But what happened to Karam (which is supposed to steal trucks) does not carry the responsibility of the Ministry of Defense because the incident was controlled before the formation of the current government, that is, to say before Elias Boussab badumed his duties as Minister of Defense.

The secretary of the powerful republic bloc fell verbally with the communiqué issued by the army to comment and clarify the published report. The army statement came to denounce the fabrications of Karam and confirm that the stolen truck was stolen on 17/1/2019 before the formation of the current government. Stopped at a checkpoint.

The Army statement also unequivocally emphasized that the images published for a number of trucks that were crossing the night at the so-called illegal pbadage are unknown images of the time and place.

After this statement (which you will find in detail in the attached photo), more than a question arises as to the credibility of the Secretary of Forces Fadi Karam, who was put to the test, d & # 39; As much as it is not the first time that Karam calls these slanderous and unwarranted and unfounded attacks. Of his mistakes ??


The Army Command – Direction of Guidance issued the following statement:

According to some media, a truck stolen from the port of Beirut towards the Lebanese-Syrian border was reported on television.

1.The stolen truck reported by the report was stolen on 17/1/2019 off the Beirut Port Campus and its specifications were distributed to all checkpoints to be stopped.

2. At the time of the circular, the army was able to stop the truck and its driver by crossing a roadblock, the driver and the truck having been handed over to the competent authority for it to take the measures that imposed.

3 – With regard to the images published for a number of trucks spending the night on the so-called illegal pbadage, especially in the palace area, these images are an unknown place and time.

The Army Command refuses this information and calls on the media to be cautious in handling any information related to the military establishment and to return to verify the authenticity of this information prior to their arrival. publication.

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