The success of the first uterine implantation in Lebanon … Reham was relieved after 6 years of torment


Riham Shehadeh, 26, was born without a uterus, she had to live very young, despite all the psychological suffering and severe deprivation. It was not easy for her to live with this idea, she dreamed of motherhood, she dreamed of a child who was carrying her in his arms. Not all attempts and medical treatments managed to achieve this, but she did not lose hope: she at least knew that she would find what she was looking for. Indeed, I found him in a scientific research and a medical achievement in which he was a Lebanese doctor.

The problem of infertility did not stop in the face of love, her husband did not abandon her despite her prior knowledge of the reality of her health condition. They decided together to find a cure that would fulfill their dream. From Jordan to Lebanon, Reham cut the distance to be the first witness at the birth of his dream. On June 21, Reham entered the operating room and underwent her first uterine transplant in Lebanon and in the region.

Reham's mother refused to see her daughter sad and deprived of maternity and she was ready to do anything to help her. Is there more precious than the love of a mother for her daughter? She gave her life, and today she donates it to give her life. With her bad that he wore, and today she will carry in her bosom to grow in her and be able to carry the fetus.

18 hours between transplantation and transplantation

18 hours in the operating room, between the recipient and the donation. Eradication and Transplantation Thus, Raham's 50-year-old mother donated her generosity to her 26-year-old daughter. The hysterectomy lasted for about 12 hours and was cultured for 6 hours. The success of the process made us attend the first transplant in Lebanon and in the Middle East and North Africa region. This achievement is a worldwide success, with 10 centers worldwide performing this type of surgery.

At Belvo Medical and Hospital Center, the major medical event was the announcement of the success of the first uterine implantation in Lebanon as part of a scientific research program conducted by a Lebanese medical team in cooperation with a Swedish medical team led by Professor Mats Branstrom and Lebanese doctor Randa Akouri. A Lebanese success will change the lives of many women who can not have children due to the absence or disruption of the uterus.

100,000 cases waiting for hope

The estimated number of women with this type of infertility in the Middle East, North Africa and Turkey is estimated to 100,000. It is difficult for women to go through the graft stage, procedures, examinations and medical and psychological badessments to make sure they are eligible for this procedure.

In 2016, the Belvo Hospital Center was selected for uterine transplantation, Jotterberg in Sweden signed the test agreement to become one of the first transplant testing worldwide in the Middle East and Africa. North according to high quality standards.

Several fingerprints have printed this Lebanese achievement for a team of Lebanese specialists in transplantation and women's surgery. "We were able to vaccinate the eggs and freeze 8 embryos until 9 months after the transplant and to confirm the health of the uterus and its ability to conceive naturally," said Dr. Aboud, a specialist in obstetrics and in gynecology. The patient was without a bad and no uterus, so underwent badl surgery, then implanted a mother's uterus, but has a natural ovulation, and this is the most important element of successful pregnancy . "

] Dr. Abboud participated in the hysterectomy of the mother to implant in Reham's body.The operation lasted about 8 hours, according to Aboud," It's a very operation delicate, and his mother gave him a year after menopause, and this process took two years of preparation to make sure that there was no problem with this uterus.

Health Minister Ghbadan Hasbani said: "This achievement gives hope to any woman who wants to have a child and who is unable to do so for conbad or maternal reasons. healthy in the womb. Therefore, we have sought as a Ministry of Health and among the goals set by the Ministry of Health that Lebanon is a pioneer of creativity The health sector is the human sector, not the political sector, and we will not allow anyone to distort the image and medical reputation of Lebanon, Lebanon will remain

The Minister of Health praised the hospital team: "This team has ensured that the l & # 39; The operation takes place in the right frame, contributing to a bright image of Lebanon in terms of achievements despite all those who make their efforts. From inside Lebanon

For his part, the Medical Director and Vice President of Medical Affairs of the Medical and Hospital Center Bellevue said: "We are very proud to be a glow of light. hope for Lebanon and the Middle East and North Africa region, and is very happy with the success of the first uterine implantation which places Lebanon on the list of 10 countries in the world that give hope to women who can not have of children. "


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