The Syrian Regime Controlls Much of Quneitra and Extends Its Deployment on the Disengagement Line Adjacent to the Golan – Alankabout Spider – Lebanon News – Australia News


A man standing next to an ambulance at the Quneitra border crossing between Israel and Syria. (Reuters). The Syrian regime expanded its deployment to areas along the 1974 "disengagement line", which borders the occupied Golan, and controls large parts of Quneitra, coinciding with the arrival of hundreds of 'Sham Liberation' fighters, evacuated from the province on Saturday, to the territory controlled by the opposition factions in the north-west of the country (Idlib), entering the Kenitra agreement between the diet and the opposition.

Syrian state television and opposition fighters yesterday said that "the Syrian army and its allies have advanced in the south-west of the country and are closer to the borders of the Golan Heights that Israel occupies. "

Regime forces are deployed with Russian air support in the suburbs of Quneitra Province, following a campaign launched last month that drove opposition fighters out from Daraa.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported the deployment of regime forces in the following 24 hours: Qatish, Red Tal, Zerat Al Zawiyah, Ain Al Abd, Koudna, Al -Aseel, Ain Zaywan, Qusaybah, Al-Suissa, Ayn Al-Tinah, Um Batna, Nabah Al-Sakhr and Qusabiyah. The region, where this progress allows forces to extend their control in the province, so that they control most of them except the northern sector, which has not yet entered .

The Syrian Observatory said yesterday that regime forces have deliberately penetrated into several areas of the Quneitra campaign and carried out a deployment along the areas adjacent to the line of disengagement, which is believed extend into the hills, towns and villages close to the area, With buses to the city of Um Batna, while continuing its deployment in the villages of Quneitra Middle and South, after a prior agreement of "reconciliation", the return of government institutions from the system and the delivery of heavy and medium weapons and the resolution of those who refuse. The regime's forces are still not deployed in outlying areas

This progress coincides with the arrival yesterday of hundreds of fighters and civilians evacuated from Quneitra province to the territory controlled by the factions of the province. Opposition in the North West, according to Agence France Presse and the Observatory.

The evacuation of civilians and fighters from Quneitra is the subject of an agreement reached by Russia's ally the Syrian regime with the opposition factions in the region.

The agreement, which follows a violent campaign, provides for the fractional surrender of factions in exchange for the cessation of hostilities and the return of the Syrian army to the points where it was before 2011 , according to official media, the year of the outbreak of the Syrian conflict in this region. Israel.

The observatory said that "the first batch of transport of 2,800 people of fighters and civilians arrived in the morning at the crossing" Murk "in northern Hama.

An AFP correspondent at the Morak terminal reported that he had seen about fifty buses carrying fighters and their families. "Upon arrival, pbadengers boarded other buses hired by a local NGO to take them to temporary shelter camps in Idlib governorates (north-west) or from other places. Aleppo [nord]. "

The director of the "Observatory" Rami Abdul Rahman, that "more than half of them are children and women". "We expect that the evacuation will continue and that there will be a second push to evacuate those who reject Quneitra's agreement."

The forces of the Syrian regime, supported by Russia, aim to restore the entire south of the country. After the restoration of Quneitra, the biggest challenge remains a small enclave dominated by a faction loyal to the terrorist "Da" ash in the southwestern countryside of Dar & # 39; a.

Meanwhile, the observatory reported that about 25 buses entered the Qahtaniyah region through the pbadage of Um Batna-Jaba to transfer a new group of fighters, civilians and their families to northern Syria, as part of the Quneitra self-agreement. Reject the agreement. Buses are expected to leave in the hours following the completion of the rise of the displaced according to "the Observatory"

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