The Top 10 Ways to Design High Blood Pressure Without Drugs .. The Knowledge


The disease is one of the most prevalent diseases in the world and threatens the lives of thousands of people because of the consequences of a serious illness on the maintenance of blood pressure without consulting a doctor and taking medication. Alternative natural methods help to achieve this goal.

The Health & Prety website has listed 10 natural ways to defeat high blood pressure, or "silent killer":
Method 1: Exercise
The more you increase your heart rate and your breathing through simple exercises (like climbing stairs or walking), your heart gets stronger, forcing the pumps to work less effort, which reduces the pressure on the arteries and therefore blood pressure.

The second method: weight loss
It is advisable for obese doctors who wish to lower their blood pressure to reduce their weight, but if you do not suffer from obesity, you should be interested in regular physical activity.

Method 3: Reduce carbohydrates
A 2010 study found that diets low in carbohydrates and sugars effectively reduced blood pressure.

Method 4: Reduce the salt
Doctors recommend eating foods high in potbadium, such as milk, fish, bananas, apricots and oranges, to reduce the effects of salt on the body.

Method 5: Reduce prepared foods and fast food
Most non-essential salt comes from processed foods such as meat, canned soups, pizzas, potato chips and snacks. Low fat foods are usually high in salt.

Medical research has shown that in the US, 1 to 3 adults are hypertensive, affecting both men and women and is sometimes called high blood pressure.

In addition, if the patient is not treated for high blood pressure, he is exposed to complications such as coronary heart disease and stress heart disease, and the most important risk factors for this disease are stroke and myocardial infarction.

Diabetes, aging, heredity, genes, smoking and sleep apnea are one of the most important factors of hypertension.

Statistics and medical research have shown that the rate of death from high blood pressure has reached more than 9 million in recent years.

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