The US Secretary of State arrives in Mexico


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo arrived Friday in Mexico,
Where he will meet the president of the left Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, among the disagreements on

Pompeo travels to Mexico at the head of a large delegation including Treasury Secretary Steve
Menuchin, Secretary of Homeland Security Christine Nielsen, and Donald Trump's brother-in-law and adviser Jared

The delegation must meet Obrador, who won an overwhelming victory
The elections of July 1st will take place on December 1st

Since the beginning of the day, he has surrounded the modest house in Mexico that he uses
Office of the elected President, a seat belt of only twenty-two metal barriers, such as

and announced that the meeting is not open to journalists .

An official of the State Department said Thursday that "the delegation is on strike
And reflects the importance attached by the Trump administration, and the United States to the relationship
Bilateral relations "with Mexico

" This is an important visit that is being organized at a pivotal moment in our bilateral relationship . "

The American delegation will meet the outgoing President Enrique Peña

The source explained that the meeting will discuss all the issues that were a source of tension between
The two countries in recent months are trade, immigration, security and border disputes

Relations between the United States and Mexico have been strained since Trump took office
In January 2017, after an election campaign interrupted by anti-Mexico statements, he promised to establish
Border wall paid by Mexico, as well as attacks on a free trade agreement
The Mexican elected president promised in his campaign "to return Trump to the United States,
Size ", but after the first phone call after the elections, the two presidents announced their intention
On the establishment of good relations

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