The word-song synchronization appears on the Apple Music app for Android before iOS


Apple today updated the Apple Music app on the Android platform to add two new features.

The application now has a night mode "Dark Mode", which uses a black background throughout the application, which contrasts sharply with the white and glossy basic interface of the & # 39; s. 39; application. The "Dark Mode" night mode can be permanently enabled from the settings or you can set it to work with the battery saving function of your phone.

The new update also provides synchronization of words with the song, a feature that synchronizes words with the song. In addition, the Song Lyrics screen has been completely redesigned to include a large text covering the entire screen.

If these features are familiar to you, it's because they've been announced as part of the iOS 13 system that Apple announced at its annual WWDC 2019 developer conference in June. Both features have been shown on stage and will be distributed to Apple Music users on iOS devices with the iOS 13 update to be released later this year. In a way, Apple has decided to offer these new features first to Android users instead of iOS users, which is unusual for Apple. These new features are starting to appear for at least some Android users and will likely be visible to other users in the coming days and weeks.


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